Ux UI Work

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Iterative Design

Our group has chosen to create an interface for a tech startup called Simmer. Simmer was created to provide its users with reviews for specific dishes to order via delivery apps from eateries in one’s area. Users can rely on the reviews to decide what they would like to order on demand. We’ve chosen to design a mobile application for the convenience that comes with the device’s portability. 

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A/B Testing & Eye Tracking

We were posed with the task of using two data collection methods to determine the best design for a Taxi Listing page. By collecting A/B Testing and Eye Tracking data and performing a series of metric and statistical calculations, we attempted to distinguish the differences in usability and viability between two designs for the website. 

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App Redesign

For this assignment, our group decided to redesign archive.org , otherwise known as the Internet Archive. This is a site we were familiar with as it serves as a digital repository of image, video, audio, and other digital assets that can be used for a variety of creative projects. However, while this website is technically functional, the interface is designed poorly.